Liberex Lab makes tooth flossing easy

@ lovepopupslondon Hygiene is very important for us all but people tend not to take as much care of their teeth as they should either they are not brushing their teeth properly, just giving their teeth a quick brush or because they don’t floss. However our oral hygiene is equally as important keeping us free of decay, disease and other problems such as bad breath so regular brushing of the teeth is very important. If you are unsure of how to brush your teeth properly your dental hygienist can easily teach you how to floss. Studies have shown significant flossing reduces reduction in plaque over interdental brushes. Flossing is tricky though and I even struggle, no matter how many times I have been shown to floss so Liberex Lab tooth flossing which is a flossing revolution making flossing easy. A study back in 2013 showed that water flossing is significantly more effective than using a manual brush and string floss in removing more plaque from the tooth surface. Other studies...