Besting Liberex Blackhead Remover & Water Flosser


@Taylor Allen

I recently heard about the brand called Liberex and I read up on some of their facial/oral care tools. So one major concern recently I’ve had is my blackheads. So I saw on the website that they have a blackhead remover vacuum:

I used this tool and I was in disbelief of how well it worked! The tool comes with a medium suction head, oval suction head, microcrystalline suction head, and a light therapy head. I mostly use the medium suction head as that works best for my skin and let me tell you it gets out alllll the junk!



Some of the key benefits of this tool that its vaccum is powerful! It’s safe and effective, has a visual lcd display, 5 intensity levels, and that it has light therapy! Specifically for the light therapy there is a blue light and red light.



Here is the box with some of those specification! But the blue light kills acne and tightens skin while the red increases blood flow and collagen production so I use both interchangeably and I have noticed a significant difference in my skin between the light therapy and vacuum!



Next is the portable oral irrigator! This is a product I never knew how badly I needed it. It is the easy and effective way to floss and care for the health of your teeth. Some of the benefits are that the tip rotates, there is an automatic shutdown for two minutes, separate reservoir, and exclusive fully open water tank!


There is a 300 ml reservior capacity, 4 default+ DIY 10 modes, it is water proof, and the battery recharges. This product keeps your teeth healthy and cleaned out! I never knew how much I did need this product for my health! I have attached the links below:



A Step Towards Healthier Teeth with the Liberex Water Flosser

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