@Laura Thornberry Hair straightening brushes have been popping up everywhere recently. They are available absolutely everywhere - via online websites, in your local salons and in high-street stores. Probably one of the most recent and newest products in the hairstyling game, and nowadays, many haircare brands have one to offer - I use the Liberex Hair Straightening Brush . A hair straightening brush could become a complete game-changer in your haircare routine - especially for those with thick, coarse, wavy or curly hair. If you're tired of spending ages doing your hair in the morning, it might be time to get your hands on a hair straightening brush asap! Hair straightening brushes are incredibly useful hair tools and are typical safe to use for all hair types . Whether you have thick, wavy or curly hair, this hair tool can transform your haircare routine. Many hair straightening brushes come with a number of interchangeable brushes - depending on the thickn...