2019 Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2019: What's open, what's closed?
Martin Luther King Jr. takes a walking tour of Newark on March 27, 1968, seven days before he was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee. 

Martin Luther King Jr. Day is a federal and state holiday held on the third Monday of each January to celebrate the life of the slain civil rights activist. In 2019, it is on Jan. 21, the latest possible date it can fall. 

MLK Jr. Day is one of several holidays whose date changes each year in accordance with the Uniform Monday Holiday Act. Others include President's Day, Memorial Day, Columbus Day, Labor Day and Veterans Day. The purpose of the act, which became law in 1968, is to increase the number of three-day weekends for federal employees. 

Will mail be delivered on Martin Luther King Jr. Day? Are post offices open? What about FedEx and UPS?
There is no mail delivery on Martin Luther King Jr.  Day as it's a federal holiday.

Post offices are closed as well. 

FedEx will operate on a modified schedule, meaning there will be early on-call and drop box pickups in some areas. All other FedEx services will operate normally.

All UPS services will be available as usual on Monday. 

But,President Trump has no public events scheduled Monday to mark Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Three days ago, he signed a proclamation for the federal holiday in which he encouraged “all Americans to recommit themselves to Dr. King’s dream by engaging in acts of service to others, to their community, and to our Nation.” It’s not clear if Trump plans to do so himself; the public schedule issued by the White House does not necessarily include all events. Last year on MLK Day, Trump went golfing in West Palm Beach, Florida.

Meanwhile, Vice President Mike Pence appeared to compare Trump to the slain civil rights leader while discussing the border-wall impasse and government shutdown on CBS’s Face the Nation on Sunday. “One of my favorite quotes from Dr. King was, ‘Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy,’” Pence said. “You think of how he changed America. He inspired us to change through the legislative process, to become a more perfect union...That’s exactly what President Trump is calling on Congress to do: Come to the table in the spirit of good faith. We’ll secure our border. We’ll reopen the government and we’ll move our nation forward as the president said yesterday to even a broader discussion about immigration reform in the months ahead.”

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